Searching For Love

People spend more than half their lives searching for love only to find the wrong one, sadly.

I Am Not His One And Only

It’s sad to know that I am not his one and only, for he only calls me whenever he gets lonely.

Everything Was Wrong

You once asked me if there was something wrong. I smiled and just said nothing at all. And when you turned around, my tears started falling, and I realized that everything was wrong.

We Must Stop

I need to tell you that we must stop what we have before it becomes more and more toxic now.

My Feelings Played

I would rather be lonely than get my feelings played by other people.

Just Using You

It’s sad to know that the person you used to love has played with you because he knows that you are the only one who does not know that he is just using you.

One Of The Worst Feelings

One of the worst feelings in this world is realizing that you were lied to and used to by someone you used to trust genuinely.

How Do We End A Relationship

How do we end a relationship at this point when I love you too much even to let you go.