Love Can Fade

Not because you have already found your love doesn’t mean that you will stop working on it. Remember, love can fade. And when it happens, there will be no other chance.

In Your Heart

You can’t run away from a person who is already in your heart.

I Cannot Believe

I cannot believe that the person who whispered the most beautiful words to me is also the one who are saying mean things to me.

Everything Is Over

Now that everything is over, I hope you remember that you pushed me away, and I did not walk away.

Wrong Love

Wrong love is nothing but a painful experience. Two people are at the wrong place at the wrong time, and the result is they end up hurting each other’s feelings. Only the right love can bring them back on the right track and heal their broken hearts.

The Time I Lost You

The time I lost you, my heart stopped beating.

I Used To Treasure

The memories that I used to treasure are now the ones that I wish I could forget, and it hurt me so much.

Young Love

Young love sometimes ends up in parting ways. Why? Because it takes two mature people to build a strong foundation. If one lacks understanding of what real love is, it will end up in a failed relationship.