Missing You

"Missing you comes in waves. Tonight I'm drowning."

Quick To Walk Away

The people that are quick to walk away are the ones who never intended to stay.

Goodbye And Letting Go

There's a difference between goodbye and letting go. Goodbye is "I'll see you again when I'm ready to hold you're hand and when you're ready to hold mine". Letting go is "I'll miss your hand. I realized it's not mine to hold and I will never hold it again".

I Won’t Love You

Someday you'll cry for me like I cried for you. Someday you'll miss me like I missed you. Someday you'll need me like I needed you. Someday You'll love me but I won't love you.

The Reality Of You

Many people love the idea of you, but lack the maturity to handle the reality of you.

Maybe Someday

Maybe someday I'll be what you need, but don't wait too long because the day you want me maybe the day I've finally give up.

The Wise

The Wise are wise only because they love. The fool are fools only because they think they can understand love.

Everything Is Temporary

Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won't last forever. And if things are going bad, don't worry.. it can't last forever either.