Stronger And Wiser

Since you left, I became stronger and wiser. Stronger to move on and live without you, wiser for not allowing you back into my life.

No Matter How Pretty You Are

No matter how pretty your face is, if you have an ugly heart, no one is going to love you.

A Right Time

There is never a right time to do the wrong thing.

Hard To Do

It's easy to say that you want to move on, but it's hard to do.

Don’t Pretend

Don't pretend that you love me because in your eyes, I see your lies.

You Are So Lucky

You are so lucky because the one I love, loves you instead!

It’s Painful

Its hard to love someone who's in love with someone else, but it's painful to love someone you thought was in love with you.

Don’t Be Sad If He Leaves

Don't be sad if he leaves you when there are so many people who love you.