Who Is Devoted

It really hurts to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't care, where you're the only one who is devoted.

Accept The Truth

In order to move on, you have to accept the truth and bear the pain that it brings.

Love Yourself More

Sometimes it is best to just stop loving someone if they are hurting you. Remember that it's okay to love someone, but you must love yourself more.

Change Is Needed

To change is never easy, but there comes a time that change is needed.

The Ones Who Makes You Smile

Forget those who made you cry, but never forget the ones who make you smile.

Change The Past

If there was one thing I could change in the past, it would be the day that I met you. I would change it so that I could avoid you.

Let Go If It Hurts You

Learn to let go if it hurts you. You love because you want to be happy, not a martyr.

My World Ends Without You

How can I start a new life if my whole world ends without you.