Like Rainbow

Sometimes the people that make you happy are like rainbow. You see them rarely, and quickly disappear.

Let Your Tears Fall

Sometimes letting your tears fall is the only thing you can do to lessen the pain you feel.

Tears Are Like Sweat

Tears are like sweat, they will fall when you are tired.

A Perfect Person For You

You don’t have to be sad if someone leaves you. You should always bear in mind that everything happens for a reason. Please don’t waste your love on the wrong person. There’s always a perfect person for you that will suits your personality and everything.

Loving Someone Is Not Enough

Sometimes loving someone is not enough, or even if you know you’re important to them. Before everything, you should know the difference between being loved and being important.

If It’s Me

I hope it’s me who you loved. You will not be alone. If it's me you loved, You will not cry. You don’t have to find someone else My heart is here And will always be waiting for you If it's only me..

Life Is what

Life is what? No one can say. It chooses its way, IT flows in another day You will realize it most, When your love goes away...

Parts of Time

Being away from you is like losing parts of time. Only the memories of our past times and thoughts of our future plans make up for the lost time.