If I Could Take Back

If I could take back every time I said "it's okay" I would. Then I would tell the truth.

You Choose

Why would you choose to be second choice of the one you love when you can be the one and only in the arms of someone else.

Not All The People Will Understand

Not all the people who love you will understand you. Sometimes they’re the person who understand least why you’re hurt and act different.

In Relationship

In relationship, it’s always the woman, who’s in control. If there’s a lover's quarrel its always the woman’s fault... The other woman.

Extra Care

There are things in life that you have to give extra care because if it gets broken, you can never fix it..

Love Will Find You

Love will find you when the time is just right.

Love Is Complicated

Love is complicated if you only depend on our feelings. Sometimes you should use your brain.

You Will Never Know

You will never know what's right if you're happy doing wrong.