Do Not Take For Granted

Do not take the people who love you for granted. The time will come when they’ll leave you because they are tired of being ignored.

A Little Respect

Have a little respect for yourself. Walk away from someone who doesn't see your worth.

Like We Used To

I remember all those happy things we’ve done, how I wish I could go back. How I miss those happy things we used to do.

When You Left Me

When you left me I broke into pieces. My world fell apart. My heart scattered. I hope this feeling goes away. I want this end, I want to be happy again. I want to go back to the old me where I knew what makes me happy, now that you're gone.

Don’t Want To Show

Sometimes even if you’re not okay, in pain and hurt, you don’t want it to show. You do not want them to know that while they are happy you're miserable.

Giving Up

Sometimes giving up the one you love is the only way to ease the pain.

Its The Situation

It’s not the person you are tired of, but the situation that keeps happening again and again.

It Is Hard To Give Up

It is hard to give up on some one you love so much. It is more difficult to fight for someone who is just waiting for you to give up.