The Word That Describe You

“Mine” is the only word that can describe you. “Forever” is the only word that can describe us. I Love You.Love You.

I Fell In Love

I know that when I stopped seeing how beautiful you are and started seeing you from inside, I fell in love with you.

A Commitment

I had a commitment phobia before we were in a relationship. Now I have an addiction called love.

The Real Lover

The real lover is the one who can make you feel better by kissing your forehead.

In My Dreams

You fell asleep in my arms and woke up in my dreams!

Be Happy With Me

I'm not waiting that you'll make me happy. I'm sure you'll be happy with me.

Love At One Minute

You know, my love is not the love at first sight. It is the love at one minute!

My Own Love Story

I will not tell you different stories about love. Not because I don't love you. It's because I am going to make my own love story with you!