All Life

All life is just a progression toward, and then a recession from, one phrase - I love you.

My First Love

You are my first love. And then, You will be my only love.

Love Is Beautiful

Love is beautiful. A gift from God. I think it’s sad, how easily we throw around the word without actually understanding the sacrifice behind its meaning. Love in its definition isn’t about a strong feeling towards someone, but an action. If people truly understood what it was—our world would be changed. Love is sacrifice, it’s holding someone’s hand even though you know they can’t feel it

One Falls In And Out Of Love

One falls in and out of love, but when one loves that is an entirely different matter, for that lasts through life and beyond, and is a rare thing.

The Top Two Reason To Live

The top two reasons to live: to love and to be loved.

I Fell In Love

I fell in love with your mind, before I even thought about falling in love with your body.

Her Face

Her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it.

Life Is Just A Journey

Life is just a journey between Delete and Recycle Bin in which love is a Virus.