We May Not Be Meant For Forever

We may not be meant for always, but I want the memories we make to last forever.

I Don’t Miss You

I may not see you but I don't miss you. You stay in my heart and in my mind I'm always with you.

Love Has It’s Own Way

Love has it's own way. Just imagine, I found you in this world full of strangers.

A Man In My Life

I am so blessed that I have a man like my husband in my life. A man that protects me and will take care of me. My husband whom I will grow old with.

Never Give Up On Me

It feels good to know that there is one person who will never give up on me, even when I am being annoying.

You’re Too Far

I want to cry because I miss you. I want to hug you and touch your face. What can I do, you're too far away. I just hope that the time passes fast 'til I can hold you again.

Heart Is Stronger Than Mind

I don't want to love you. I tried to fight it, but I can't. My heart is stronger than my mind.

You Always Make Me Feel Perfect

You know that I am not perfect but you make me feel perfect and beautiful in every way. Thank you.