All I Want Is You

I don't want anything else in life... all I want is you here by my side loving me and taking care of me.

Time Passes Fast

When I'm with you the time passes too fast.. I guess it's because I'm always happy when I'm with you. Even a whole day with you is just isn't enough.

I Will Live Happily

Not everyone will like you because you just can't please everybody. I'm so lucky to have someone who likes me for me. I will live happily ever after.

There’s Always Someone

I am thankful that even though I am disappointed in myself there's always someone who makes me remember how great I am, how beautiful, how kind and what a good person I am. A someone who says that there is a lot I could do with my life. The truth is you are my strength and my life. I thank God because he gave me you.

A real man is not measured on how he talks and moves. A real man is measured on how he respects and takes care of his woman.

Big Change

There is always someone who will make a big change in your life.

In Love With You

Are you still sleeping or awake to the reality that I'm in love with you.

Only One Person I Will Love

In my life, there is only one person I will love, cherish, treasure, share my life with. That person is you... I love you.