When A Woman Falls In Love

When a woman falls in love, she will do anything for the one she loves.

Greatest Creation Made By God

Love is the greatest creation made by God. You and I can't jeopardize that.

Being Contented

It is good to take care of a relationship even if you know is not perfect, you two both know the true meaning of being contented.

If You’re Really Honest

If you're really honest with the one you love, even if she’s away, you will ignore the people who flirt with you.

Girls Are Like Flowers

Girls are like flowers, don’t pick it just to play with.

Make Her Smile

Touch her heart not her body, make her smile and don't waste her tears.

Love Is What Is Left

Love is what is left in the relationship after all the selfishness is taken out.

Hard And Complicated

No matter how hard and complicated your relationship gets, if you really love each other you will never think of giving up.