Remember The Time

Remember when we made a promise to each other and made plans for the future together. I am happy that we are fulfilling those one by one. We are together forever.

Mortal Competitor

Your mortal competitors in love are not the people around her, but the person she loved before you.

Thank You For Loving Me

Thank you for loving me unconditionally, making me your priority, putting my needs before your own. For understanding me when sometimes I get so childish and tease you. You are the best. I love you always. Thank You.

You Never Fail

I love how you never fail to make me happy. Everyday you court me feels like the first time we met.

She Cares

Don't get mad if she gets jealous because then you know she cares.

A Healthy Relationship

Sometimes a little argument in a relationship is healthy, because it means that you care for each other.

The Kind Of Girl

She is not the kind of girl that you'll stare at as she passes you, but she is the kind of girl that you will never want to let go.

Final Score

Love is like an exam. You either get it right or wrong, then you have to wait for the final score.