When You Fall In Love

When you fall in love, it is forever. You only get one true love. When you find it make sure you hold on to it no matter what. It's your life the only one you get. Live it how you want and love who the hell you want.

If A Girl Loves You

Guys need to learn that if a girl loves you enough to come back to you after you broke her heart she's definitely the one.

Love You Always

I liked you when I saw you. I loved you when I talked to you. I adored you when I fell in love with you... Love you always.


Boys should be an inspiration not a problem.

You’re The Reason

You’re the reason I smile, the reason I laugh, the reason I’m happy. You are my life and I thank God I found you. I think I will just keep on dreaming until I can be with you again.

Take This Chance

I’ll take this chance to tell you how much I love you. You mean the world to me. You're my sun shining on me everyday. You’re my night that hugs and calms me before sleep. I Love You.

Girls Think All Men

In love, some girls think that all men are the same. The test to their man is to prove them wrong.

You’re Still The Reason

Even if you’re the reason why I am moody and sad now, you’re still the reason why I laugh and smile too.