More Like Diamond

Love is more like diamonds because they last forever.

A Precious Find

We may fight like cats and dogs, but we never really stay angry for too long. You are such a precious find. I love you.

Actions Speaks Louder

In love, actions do indeed speak louder than spoken words.

Coming Home To Your Sweet Love

My life started overflowing with a myriad of colors ever since you became mine, and I am yours. Waking up and sleeping next to you each day is a blessing of a thousandfold. Coming home to your sweet love is more than I could ask for.

Choosing To Spend The Rest Of My Life

Choosing to spend the rest of my life with you is the best choice I have made in my life. You are my refuge, my comfort, and my happiness. There is nothing more I want in this life! I love you.

All The Riches

All the riches, the fortune, and the luxuries in this world compare nothing to the wealth of having you as my husband. I love you, dear husband!

I Lost My Faith

I lost my faith in love; you gave it back to me.

Love Needs Space

Love needs space like trees, not to set and drift you apart but for both of you to have enough room so you can grow and bloom.